Game effects
Voir le texte en Français Game effects – Effets de jeu Some fighters master skills feared by the most powerful
Lire la suiteVoir le texte en Français Game effects – Effets de jeu Some fighters master skills feared by the most powerful
Lire la suiteThrough sheer willpower and mastery of mental strength, a psionist has the ability to penetrate the minds of his opponents to inflict pain that can bring down the most powerful warriors in an instant.
Lire la suiteAt Ruins of…, the technique used to cast witchcraft, clerical, druidic or Templar spells is the same. It only takes one action and takes place in 4 steps :
Lire la suiteRecovery management is a key element of Ruins of… It is what will allow the characters to stand out and thus accomplish feats that will remain etched in memories.
Lire la suiteDuring his game turn, a character can spend 1 AP to place himself on alert and end his game turn. He can now try to react according to the actions of his opponents.
Lire la suiteDuring his game turn, each unengaged fighter can devote up to 2 actions to shoot with what he is holding in his hand, be it a stone, a dagger, a skull or other.
Lire la suiteEach fighter, during his initiative, can spend up to 2 actions to attack an engaged opponent with his melee weapons.
The lowest character on the initiative track makes its attack or defense test first. The order is important because it influences the results during doubles.
Arkhus Vordon accepted Thakok-An’s proposal without thinking about the consequences and thus sealed the fate of his lineage.
Lire la suiteFew on Athas measure the scope and extent of Thakok-an’s decision. When she appeared to the survivors who had returned to the destroyed …
Lire la suiteThe current village of Walis is mainly known for the exploitation of its gold mine by the merchant house Tomblador (or Ardian) according to the sources. It is said that …
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